Hire No-Code Developer

Sergio Gongora

Sergio Gongora delivers top-notch Bubble.io solutions, with expertise in plugin development and complex integrations.


Sergio Gongora, a seasoned No-Code developer from Mexico, specializes in Bubble.io with over five years of experience and 20+ custom plugins.


+91 1234567890








What do you need to know about expert No-Code developer Sergio Gongora

Sergio Gongora: Leading No-Code Developer from Mexico

Mastering Bubble.io Development

Sergio Gongora is a distinguished No-Code developer from Mexico, with over five years of experience working with Bubble.io. His expertise is unmatched, with a portfolio that includes 15+ projects and over 20 custom-developed plugins. Sergio’s skill set has been instrumental in bringing to life various digital platforms, ranging from marketplaces and food promotion platforms to CRM systems and travel booking solutions.

Extensive Experience in Diverse Projects

Innovative Projects and Solutions
Sergio’s vast experience spans various industries and project types. Some of his recent work includes developing a parking Software as a Service (SAAS) platform, an investment platform, and a content management system. His ability to adapt and deliver tailored solutions makes him a sought-after developer in the No-Code community. Whether integrating Google and Shopify APIs or working on complex Mixpanel integrations, Sergio ensures that every project he undertakes meets the highest standards of functionality and usability.

Custom Plugin Development
Beyond building applications, Sergio has developed a wide range of custom plugins that solve specific problems across different categories. These plugins include API connectors, UI elements, and action-based plugins that work on both server and client sides. His innovations have significantly contributed to the No-Code ecosystem, enabling other developers to extend the functionality of their Bubble.io applications with ease. Sergio’s plugins are not just tools; they are solutions that enhance the capabilities of any project they are integrated into.

High-Level Technical Proficiency

Mastery in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
While Bubble.io is Sergio’s primary platform, his technical expertise extends to traditional web development tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With over five years of experience in these languages, he brings a deep understanding of web design and functionality to his projects. This knowledge allows him to customize and optimize Bubble.io applications beyond the standard offerings, ensuring that his clients receive a product that is both robust and scalable.

Founder and Co-Founder Roles
Sergio’s entrepreneurial spirit has led him to found plugins.gongora.me, a platform dedicated to providing custom Bubble.io plugins. Additionally, he is the co-founder of Datamatic Software, where he continues to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible with No-Code tools. His leadership in these ventures reflects his commitment to advancing the No-Code movement and empowering businesses to build powerful applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

Why Choose Sergio Gongora?

Sergio Gongora stands out as a top-tier No-Code developer with a proven track record in Bubble.io development. His ability to deliver high-quality, customized solutions, coupled with his extensive experience in plugin development, makes him an invaluable asset to any project. Whether you need a complex SAAS platform or a simple API integration, Sergio’s expertise ensures that your application will meet and exceed your expectations.

Connect with Sergio Gongora
To learn more about Sergio’s work and how he can help bring your project to life, visit NoCodeHuddle today.

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